Mobile Masters eBook – The Art Of iPhoneography
Mobile Masters, an iPad eBook by Dan Marcolina features 50 of the worlds most notable iPhoneographers. (Caponigro, Eismann, Hollingsworth, Kost, Marcolina and many more.)
Priced at $2.99 this iPad eBook features…
– Over 50 varied Artists from around the world are represented
– Many step-by-step “app-stacking” secrets revealed with a swipe of the figure
– Personal video interviews from 30 artist discussing how iPhoneography has changed them and photography
– Many image tutorial video
– Over an hour of video included
– In-depth text descriptions with direct links to each app mentioned
– Hand selected portfolio of additional work from each artist
– Direct links to each artist websites, blogs, and even email address
Find it here.
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