3 Great Books On Composition

Michael Freeman’s The Photographer’s Eye demonstrates how the elements of composition are applied in photographs, which are often so laden with detail that it’s more challenging to see the fundamentals.

Christian Leborg’s Visual Grammar is a quick read that you can look at for a long time. It is very useful to consider visual dynamics abstractly so that they can be applied more universally.

Rudolf Arnheim’s Art and Visual Perception is a classic that discusses how the principles of gestalt psychology apply to composition.

Read more in my Creative Composition resources.

Learn more in my digital photography and digital printing workshops.


  • Leo Vanderpot

    17.07.2022 at 16:22

    Good to see this. Best regards from Leo Vanderpot, RHS 1950

  • Mike Nelson Pedde

    18.07.2022 at 20:27

    You can supplement Michael Freeman’s work with his other work – The Photographer’s Mind. Although my favourite photography book, bar none, is Freeman Patterson’s Photography and the Art of Seeing. Photography and composition both begin with learning how to see…


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