20 Great Quotes About The Color Orange

Enjoy this collection of quotes on the color orange.

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“Orange is the happiest color.”
– Frank Sinatra

“Orange is red brought nearer to humanity by yellow.”
– Wassily Kandinsky

“Orange is the color of positive thinking and optimism.”
– Remez Sasson

“Orange strengthens your emotional body, encouraging a general feeling of joy, well-being, and cheerfulness.”
– Tae Yun Kim

“Orange is an underrated color, it’s the second most underrate color after yellow.”
– Michel Gondry

“There is no blue without yellow and without orange.”
– Vincent Van Gogh

“Who in the rainbow can draw the line where the violet tint ends and the orange tint begins? Distinctly we see the difference of the colors, but where exactly does the one first blendingly enter into the other?”
– Herman Melville

“Your mind makes out the orange by seeing it, hearing it, touching it, smelling it, tasting it and thinking about it but without this mind, you call it, the orange would not be seen or heard or smelled or tasted or even mentally noticed, it’s actually, that orange, depending on your mind to exist! Don’t you see that? By itself it’s a no-thing, it’s really mental, it’s seen only of your mind. In other words it’s empty and awake.” — Jack Kerouac

“Much like purple, orange tends to be a controversial color. People tend to either love it or hate it.”
– Kendra Cherry

“It was like trying to break up with the color orange, or Wednesday, or silent e. It was the most passionate and tumultuous relationship I’d ever known.”
– Rob Sheffield

“I forgive nothing. If you stole my orange crayon in the fifth grade, you’re still on my hit list, buddy.”
-Jonathan Carroll

“The sky takes on shades of orange during sunrise and sunset, the colour that gives you hope that the sun will set only to rise again.”
– Ram Charan

“Meanwhile, the sunsets are mad orange fools raging in the gloom.”
― Jack Kerouac

“Orange is an attention-grabbing color that tends to stand out visually.”
– Kendra Cherry

“The color orange relates to adventure and risk-taking, inspiring physical confidence, competition, as well as independence.”
– Anonymous

“Orange is a color of liberation from the pains of hurtful love and inner insecurities. To channel orange is to truly be free, to be you.”
― Frank Ocean

“When I think of flavors, I think color, so lemon should be yellow and orange is orang.”
– Dylan Lauren

“If the real world is orange juice, then art is like orange juice concentrate.”
– Martin Mull

“God doesn’t make orange juice, God makes oranges.”
– Jesse Jackson

“Why is a carrot more orange than an orange?”
–Steven Wright

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