Creativity Meets Technology – A Conversation On PBS


What role does technology play in creating art? Do works created by artificial intelligence meet the definition of art? Keystone Edition: Arts asks artists about the tools they use and if there should be limits to human-machine collaboration when it comes to creativity.

Erika Funke (PBS WVIA), Richard Rinehardt (Director Samek Art Museum, coauthor of RE-COLLECTION), and I share ideas on creativity, technology, and archiving.

Creative Thinking With Michael Michalko

“Michael Michalko is one of the most highly acclaimed creativity experts in the world and author of the best sellers Thinkertoys, Cracking Creativity, and ThinkPak. In this interview with NCR Radio he talks about his book, Creative Thinkering: Putting Your Imagination to Work. He explains why creative thinking is often counterintuitive and some methods that may help you develop your next fantastic idea.”
Michalko’s books are brilliant. I give them my highest recommendation.
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