Wade Davis on Endangered Cultures

Cultures are disappearing at a rapid rate. Of the 6000 languages spoken today only half will be passed on to the next generation. Cultures are the rainforests of civilization. They show us the full spectrum of what it means to be human and how richly diverse human experience can be. No one makes this point better than Wade Davis.
I highly recommend his book Shadows in the Sun.
Find his books here.

Epson Focal Points

Find out what Bambi Cantrell, John Paul Caponigro, Douglas Dubler, Greg Gorman, Jay Maisel, Steve McCurry, and Jeff Schewe have to say about the Epson Stylus Pro 900 Series printers. You’ll hear personal stories and real world case studies of how these printers are making the best prints possible.
View these seven new videos here.
By the way, the videos were produced by Epson’s Dan Steinhardt and the same team that produces Acme Educational DVDs – Vincent Versace and Mark Vanocur,
Learn more in my free downloadable Lessons.
Learn even more in my Fine Art Digital Printing Workshops.
Stay tuned for the release of my new DVDs Fine Art Digital Printing.