
Monhegan Island Reveries

What is it about Monhegan Island that gets your creative juices flowing? Maybe it’s the how beautiful it is; ocean, cliffs, forests, gardens, island life. Maybe it’s the sense of getting away from it all; the island is 12 miles out to sea. Maybe it’s the creative community on the island; it’s had a long history as an artist’s colony. Whenever I’m on the island I give myself license to play – writing, drawing, photographing and dreaming.
Here’s a selection of my iPhone images made on recent excursions to Monhegan Island.
Find out more about my Monhegan Island photographic workshop here.
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Monhegan Photographic Workshop – June 17-19

Lobster boats, rocky shores, cathedral woods, cape houses, blooming wildflowers, hiking trails and fairy huts.  Ocean sunrises and sunsets. It’s quintessential small town Maine life all on one tiny island 12 miles out to sea.
Join me for a 4 night 3 day all inclusive, semi private (limited to 6), boutique photographic workshop on this extraordinary island.
Maine photography doesn’t get better than this.
Register here for this inspiring workshop

Huntington Witherill – 3 Video Conversations


Discover Huntington’s favorite quotes here.
Read Huntington’s short Q&A here.
Read our extended conversation here.
Visit the artist’s website here.

iResize Your Mobile Images With One Touch

When you want to make a mobile phone image smaller quickly, launch iResize. Why would you want to change the size of an image? There are so many reasons; to email it, to post it online, and/or to share it in social networks are just a few. And with smart phone images growing in size every year, the need to do this is only increasing.
iResize can also change the proportion of an image from horizontal to panoramic, square, or even vertical.
iResize is one of those apps that you can learn instantly and is so easy to use that you’ll quickly overlook how often you use it, which is exactly what makes a go to app.
Read more with step-by-step illustrations on The Huffington Post.
Find iResize on iTunes.

How To Buy Happiness – Michael Norton

Michael Norton’s research shows you can buy happiness, by spending money on other people. “The specific way that you spend on other people isn’t nearly as important as the fact that you spend on other people.” Whether in big or small ways, this video will change your life and someone else’s too.

Super Moon & Meteor Shower Tonight

On Saturday, May 5, at 11:35 p.m. EDT the moon will be 8,000 miles closer than it’s average distance to the earth and will appear 30% brighter and 14% bigger. This supermoon coincides with the Eta Aquarid meteor shower from Halley’s comet.
The best time to view the moon will be the early evening, just after the moon rises.
The best time to view the meteor shower is late Saturday and early Sunday.
Later in the month, on May 20 there will be an annular eclipse.
Learn more here.

Exhibit – Charles Adams

Charles Adams (my assistant both in the studio and in the field) is having his first exhibition this coming Friday, May 4th at Asymmetrick Arts in Rockland, Maine. It will run until May 25th.
24  of his images will be on display, along with sculpture from artist Vic Goldsmith. For those that cannot make the opening, there will also be an Artist talk on May 19th.
May 4 – 25
Asymmetrick Arts
405 Main Street, Rockland ME
Learn more about Charles Adams and view his images here.
Visit Asymmetrick Arts here.