
Sharpening With Layers

There are many reasons to use layers when sharpening your digital images.
Layers can be used to eliminate saturation shifts. Change the Blend Mode of a sharpening layer from Normal to Luminosity. Color noise will be reduced this way.

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20 Questions With Photographer Sean Duggan

Sean Duggan provides quick candid answers to 20 questions
What’s the best thing about photography?
It provides a window through which we can view our own world, as well as the world beyond our experience, other realities and other visions.
What’s the worst thing about photography?
That there so much of it. Our culture is so inundated with photographs that they can become the visual equivalent of background noise
What’s the thing that interests you most about other people’s photographs?
The way they see and interpret their world. Their unique visions show me things I could not imagine, and present new conceptual pathways to follow.
What benefits do you get from (this/these) other art form/s?
Poetry helps me to be visually sensitive to the possibility of metaphor in an image; it helps me appreciate photographs as visual poems.
Writing helps me to more fully explore and understand ideas and concepts.
Making sculptural assemblages is a tactile and three-dimensional way to explore ideas through the combination of different materials and found objects. This work often directly influences my “Artifacts of an Uncertain Origin” series of photographs.
What failure did you learn the most from?
No particular failure, but the general idea that in any failure there is an opportunity to learn something, to take that knowledge, start again, and do it better.
Read the rest of Sean’s answers here.
Read other photographers answers to the same questions here.
Find out more about Sean Duggan here.
Find more Photographers On Photography resources here.

20 Questions With Photographer Sean Kernan

Sean Kernan provides quick candid answers to 20 questions.
What’s the best thing about gear?
It’s poetic sense of capability and precision.
What’s the worst thing about gear?
It can seduce you into thinking you can take good photographs if you have it.
How do you know when an image doesn’t work?
When it merely describes a surfaec but is not in itself alive.
How do you know when an image is good?
When it takes me into some new space or understanding, beyond photography.
How do you know when an image is great?
When it smacks me and enlarges me at once, and then does it again when I see it 20 years later.
What’s the most useful photographic mantra?
Shoot first, ask questions later.
Do you practice another art form? (If so, which?)
Chinese calligraphy, video.
What benefits do you get from (this/these) other art form/s?
From calligraphy, a very acute sense of the role of space, of emptiness. From video, a sense of time that is quite like music.
Read the more of Sean’s answers here.
Read answers to the same questions by other photographers here.
Learn more about Sean Kernan here.
Read my Photographers On Photography conversation with Sean here.

20 Questions With Photographer Phil Borges

Phil Borges provides quick candid answers to 20 questions.
What’s the best thing about photography?
Photography has been the key that has let me enter cultural worlds very different from my own.
How do you know when an image is great?
You can feel it. It moves you emotionally.
What’s the most useful photographic mantra?
‘Get closer’.
What failure did you learn the most from?
Losing my cool with difficult people. It always fails.
What’s the best thing about influence?
You can bring about change.
What’s the worst thing about influence?
Change isn’t always good.
What’s the best thing about our times?
What’s the worst thing about our times is?
What is your most marked characteristic?
What do you most value in your friends?
Humor, authenticity.
Read the rest of Phil’s answers here.
Learn more about Phil Borges here.
Find Phil’s books here.
Find out about Phil’s latest project / book Tibet : Culture On the Edge here.
Watch Phil’s TED presentation here.
Read answers to the same questions by other photographers here.
Read my series Photographers On Photography here.

The Web's Secret Stories – Jonathan Harris

Jonathan Harris wants to make sense of the emotional world of the Web. With deep compassion for the human condition, his projects troll the Internet to find out what we’re all feeling and looking for.

At the EG conference in December 2007, artist Jonathan Harris discusses his latest projects, which involve collecting stories: his own, strangers’, and stories collected from the Internet, including his amazing “We Feel Fine.”
View more of my favorite TED talks here.

One Day On Earth – 11/11/11

One Day on Earth – Motion Picture Trailer from One Day On Earth on Vimeo.

“On November 11th, 11.11.11, across the planet, documentary filmmakers, students, and other inspired citizens will record the human experience over a 24-hour period and contribute their voice to the second annual global day of media creation called One Day on Earth. Together, we will create a shared archive and a film.
Founded in 2008, One Day on Earth’s first media creation event occurred on 10.10.10. The collaboration was the first ever simultaneous filming event occuring in every country of the world. It created a unique geo-tagged video archive as well as an upcoming feature film.
Together, we are showcasing the amazing diversity, conflict, tragedy, and triumph that occurs in one day. We invite you to join our international community of thousands of filmmakers, hundreds of schools, and dozens of non-profits, and contribute to this unique global mosaic. One Day on Earth is a community that not only watches, but participates.”
What will you contribute today?
Visit One Day On Earth here.