
Interview – NIK Radio

Recently, I spoke with Scott Sheppard on NIK Radio. Scott wanted to talk about how to avoid “Photographic A.D.D.”. He asked, “So what do you do?” I replied, “You have two choices. You can spray and pray. Or, you can look before you leap.”  I elaborate in our wide ranging discussion on how to focus your creative vision.
Listen to our conversation on NIK Radio.
Find more audio inspiration on my website.
Learn more about creativity in my digital photography workshops.

Gallery Contract

Sign a contract with anyone who exhibits your artwork.
Putting verbal agreements in writing produces something tangible that all parties can refer to if memory fails – and it will. You and your representatives need a contract to work professionally together. If someone is unwilling to put something in writing, they’re not likely to honor it. Contracts are not about taking people to court; when they work best they keep you out of court.
Below is the contract my lawyer wrote for me. He’s graciously agreed to let me share it with you.
Change this basic contract to reflect the specific nature of your agreement with the agents or agencies who represent your work.
Don’t change clause 2. This key clause changes the nature of the consignment agreement. If the entity (individual or business) doesn’t reimburse you for sales or return your work you’ll be able to involve local law enforcement agents more easily. I’ve only had to do this once. So far, I’ve always been paid for sales of my work and I’ve always had my artwork returned. Many artist’s can’t say the same.
Do include a termination clause. Contracts should be revisited periodically – I recommend annually – to confirm that the nature of a relationship has remained the same. If it has evolved, change the contract to reflect that evolution.
Find more business resources for artists here.
Read more to see the contract I use … Read More

Ansel Adams iPad App

The world of ebooks is maturing rapidly.
Recently an iPad App entitled Ansel Adams was released. It contains …
– 40 images (which can be viewed either with or without commentary)
– 3 videos (one includes Adams playing piano)
– 1 interview (Playboy magazine)
– letters (with other luminaries like Steiglitz, O’Keefe, Weston, and others)
– postcards (send your own virtual postcard from the app)
– weblinks
– chronology and bibliography.
The content reveals a great deal about the artist’s art and life.
This ebook/app suggests many of the kinds of content and form factors that will inevitably reshape the very nature of the book, when it is delivered electronically.
Find the ebook/app here.
Learn more about Ansel Adams here.
Find 20 quotes by Ansel Adams below … Read More

Exhibit – Santiago Vanegas

Hagedorn Foundation Gallery presents, “People & Nature”
Photographed at the iconic Stone Mountain, Santiago Vanegas produces a body of work unlike anything he’s done before over twelve year long career. In this series, he explores the intriguing and sometimes odd relationship between people & nature. His photography explores the sharp lines and inorganic colors of manufactured objects conflicting with the natural landscape. The people in his images, although very “normal”, appear outlandishly misplaced. Through his vision, we witness a reality that in nothing short of surreal. Santiago’s People & Nature asks the viewer how and why we relate to nature at a time when our planet is increasingly begging for mercy from our environmental irresponsibility.

October 28 – November 30, 2010
Opening Reception: October 28, 2010, 5:00 to 8:00 pm, with Artist talk at 7:30 pm
Get more intformation at Hagedorn Foundation Gallery.
Visit Santiago’s website here.