
Namibia – The Function of Form

Form can serve a lot of functions. One can be to take the eye on an exciting journey. Rectilinear? Curvilinear? Fast? Slow? Simple? Complex? They all have a unique character. Contrasting different types of form can intensify one another. You can do this in a single image or in multiple images. Then you can identify other ideas that aren’t represented – and go get more images.
Visit here tomorrow for more of my images from Namibia.
Find out about my 2010 Namibia workshop here.

Namibia – Establishing Shots

Every photo essay needs establishing shots. You might need just be one for the whole series. Or you might need one for each subset within the series. Establishing shots set the stage the drama is about to take place on. They’re about context / place. They’re generally wide angle and show as many aspects of a place as possible. They are the big picture. They place actions and details.
Here two establishing shots work together. One’s above the clouds looking out to the fog covered sea. The other’s under the clouds looking inland towards the shoreline and receding dune. It’s a 180 degree shift in perspective that tells a larger story than either one can alone.
Visit here tomorrow for more of my images from Namibia.
Find out about my 2010 Namibia workshop here.

Namibia – Guiding Metaphors

Guiding metaphors can transforms a commonplace perspective into an exceptional one. This enlivens the images you make. I relate to dunes as human bodies. This is sensed by the viewer, always on an subconscious level, sometimes on a conscious level. It helps me to know what my guiding metaphor is so I can intensify this interpretation while I’m on the spot. It makes the work stronger. So when choosing between these horizontal and vertical compositions, I’ll choose the composition that emphasizes that metaphor.
(By the way, it’s always a good idea to shoot both horizontal and vertical. Watch how it changes things. Long after, you may find you relate to the images differently than you do on the spot. But there’s often no going back, so get it while you can. Or should I say, get both while you can.)
Visit here tomorrow for more of my images from Namibia.
Find out about my 2010 Namibia workshop here.

Namibia – Take the Postcard and Then Try A Different Approach

Sossusvlei, Namibia has some of the most famous dunes in the world – 750 foot high coral dunes that close in towards one another as you move up the valley. When you think Namibia, you think Sossusvlei. Everyone who goes there has a similar version of my first shot. I took it too. Then I tried a different approach. I found the dunes made wonderful abstract panoramas.
Visit here tomorrow for more of my images from Namibia.
Find out about my 2010 Namibia workshop here.

Namibia – Shoot the Same Things Together

One interesting exercise I recommend to my students is to shadow a partner. Walk in each other’s footsteps and make pictures like the other person. Shoot the same things. Shoot them the way you’d shoot them. Then shoot them the way you think your partner would shoot them. It’s best if you partner with someone who can expand your comfort zone. Compare the results as you go. What you’ll find is you won’t end up making the same images. You’ll end up making your own images in new ways.
These two images from Serra Cafema, Namibia came out of this exercise. The horizontal one is Paul Tornaquindici’s. The vertical one’s mine. We smiled while we were doing it and we’re still smiling. We realized that while the conditions were identical, we were so different and that resulted in different images. There are many more realizations about our personal styles we’re still making.
See more of Paul Tornaquindici’s images here.
Visit here tomorrow for more of my images from Namibia.
Find out about my 2010 Namibia workshop here.

Vincent Versace – Welcome to Oz 2.0 DVD


Announcing all new training DVDs by Vincent Versace.
In these all new DVD releases, Vincent Versace invites us to join him on his journey of mastery, the art of perfect practice, in which he unites the precepts of Zen philosophy with the art and craft of photographic image making. Embodying what he teaches, these lessons reflect innovations in technology in Photoshop and workflow; you will see his evolution of technique, workflow and how he approaches tools and his visual sensibility. The DVDs are filled with tools and approaches that will expand your creative tool chest and your perfect practice . Be inspired to revitalize your mind as you learn to expose the hidden potential within your images. Whether you are a novice, intermediate or advanced Photoshop user, you will find the lessons will accelerate your knowledge to match the quality of your vision. If you have release 1.0, you will find that the new content has expanded each lesson from one to two DVDs. These lessons have taken Vincent years to discover by practicing perfect practice. They are shared here for you to learn, integrate the knowledge and stimulate your creative process and perfect practice.
The Pre-order PRICE is 59.95 per title ($10.00 off).
Buy both bundled together for $109.90 and save an additional $10.00.
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