
Print Proofs To See Undisplayable Colors

You softproof (constrain a monitor with an ICC profile) to see what colors are out of gamut of an ink and paper combination before you print. You proof (print) to see colors out of gamut of the monitor.
What? Yes! Today’s inksets exceed the gamut of of even the widest gamut monitors, in certain colors.
This graph shows ColorMatch (equivalent to most CRTs and LCDs), Adobe RGB 1998 (higher end LCDs), and Epson Ultrachrome HDR Ink on Epson Exhibition Fiber Paper. The new printers with the latest substrates can print more saturated yellows and oranges than even the best monitors can display. And, they can also print more saturated blues and greens than average LCDs can display. Evolution in printers is forcing an evolution in monitors.
Which monitor do I recommend? Check out my previous post here.
Check out my DVD 6 Simple Steps to Good Color Management.
Check out my DVD The Art of Proofing.

See me demonstrate this and more during the Epson Print Academy.
Learn these techniques in my workshops.

Epson's Dan Steinhardt Talks About HDR Ink on IDP Radio

Dan (Dano) Steinhardt, Marketing Manager, Epson Professional Imaging talks with Scott Sheppard of Inside Digital Photo Radio about Epson’s latest announcements including the new Epson Ultrachrome HDR ink set, the Epson Stylus Pro 7990-9900 and the new Epson Print Academy. Dano explains many features their benefits, including the greatly expanded color gamut and AccuPhoto™ HDR screening technology.
Find out more about the new Epson printers here.
Find out about the next Epson Print Academy near you here.

Epson's Dan Steinhardt On Photoshop Insider

Dan “Dano” Steinhardt, industry veteran, a driving force behind Epson shares his personal journey in and insights on photography on Scott Kelby’s blog Photoshop Insider.
“I travel a lot in my job. I also have the incredible honor to work with the some of the most well-known photographers on the planet. One of those legends is Jay Maisel who has become my new mentor. With all my business travel I took Jay’s advice, “Carry the camera because without it, it’s really tough to take pictures.” In the process I essentially returned to my roots of street photography versus the comfort and control of the studio”
“In the end it’s really not about exotic travel but about seeing the exotic that is all around us. In the past few years virtually all of my images have been captured, literally, between meetings.”
See the rest here.
Find out about the Epson Print Academy near you here.

16 Bit Printing

16 bit printing is finally possible. It wasn’t before? That’s right.
Only Photoshop CS4 / Lightroom 2 actually deliver all 16 bits to the printer.
Only OSX 10.5 allows this; not Windows yet.
And only the latest updated drivers.
What improvements can you expect to see? Smoother gradations. Slightly more precise edge rendition.  As printer dot structures get finer and more precise, expect to see more improvements. Higher quality digital capture (higher bit, lower noise, greater resolution) will also improve output.
Find CS4 and Lightroom here.
Find Epson drivers here.
Learn more in my Fine Digital Print workshops.

Epson Print Academy – Wilhelm / Reichmann

The videos for the Epson Print Academy are always rich. In the newly updated Track 2 sessions attendees get to see a 14 minute short cut of Michael Reichmann (Luminous Landscape) interviewing Henry Wilhelm (Care and Permanence of Photographs) on longevity. A lot of myths and misnomers are dispelled. It’s well worth scanning.
You can see and/or listen to the full 68 minute version here.
Find out about the next Epson Print Academy near you here.

Epson Print Academy – Downloads

The Epson Print Academy Track 2 downloads contain dozens of PDFs, test files, and actions. They’re electronic. So they’re green. They’re portable. They’re transmittable. And they’re updateable. They evolve and grow as the sessions do. Items include Color Management (Rodney), Sharpening Workflow (Schewe), B&W Conversion (Gorman), Fine Art Workflow (Holbert), The Art of Proofing (Caponigro) and much, much more.
They’re for attendees only!
Find out about the next Epson Print Academy near you here.
Check out my downloads here.
Check out my Fine Digital Print workshops here.

Epson Print Academy – Atlanta 11/8

The Epson Print Academy will be in Atlanta tomorrow Saturday, November 8th at the Renaissance Atlanta Hotel Downtown. It’s the first of a 15 city tour. Track 1 & 2 are both updated with new sessions. Track 1 is hosted by Jack Reznicki with live demonstrations and informative videos featuring industry professionals giving an excellent introduction to the medium.  Track 2 features advanced sessions by Andrew Rodney, Jeff Schewe, Greg Gorman, Mac Holbert and John Paul Caponigro. The gallery features images printed with the new Epson Stylus® Pro 7900 printers with UltraChrome® HDR inks. Attendees will be registered to win one 4880 printer (given at each venue) and one of the 7900 printer (given July 2009). At $79.95 and $149.95, these sessions are a phenomenal value. Don’t miss them!
Get more information here.
Find out about the next Epson Print Academy near you here.
Check out my Fine Digital Print workshops here.

Creativity – Commenting On Images

How many times have you been frustrated by the feedback you get and give?
Often it’s too simple.
“I like it.”
“I don’t like it.”
But you want more.
If you knew more you could improve more.
So, go further!
Whenever you’re looking at images ask yourself for more with one simple word. “Why?”
You many be surprised how hard it is to put your thoughts and feelings into words.
Don’t quit.
Try anyway.
You’ll find out some really interesting things.
Later, start asking others, “Why?”
You’ll get some really interesting answers.
Check out 12 books I recommend on critical thinking in photography here.
Get feedback in my workshops.