How To Choose & Execute A Photo Project In Essay Form

“Photography communicates best when it tells a story and is presented in an essay form. In this Zoom class, David Brommer will use examples of his personal work as well as of other select artists to illustrate excellence in photo essay form. Concept, execution, and presentation will be discussed, as well as “project think tanking” in the Q&A following the lesson. This class will benefit Photographers who want to deepen their commitment to the art or those looking for an inspirational shot in the arm!”

View more from David Brommer here.

Enjoy our conversation here.

Join Me For A Conversation With David Brommer – Tuesday, May 21 @ 6 pm EST

Join me Tuesday, May 21 @ 6pm EST on Zoom – Register here.

Photographer David Brommer (Suspect Photography) will guide what is sure to be an animated, wide-ranging, and thoughtful conversation about photography and creativity. David has a knack for asking the questions that most need to be asked.

I’ll share new work. We’ll talk about the importance of printing your images. After that, anything could happen.

It’s been ten years since our last extended conversation. Enjoy it here as a prelude of more to come.

Better Photographic Composition – Beyond The Rule Of Thirds – David Brommer

In this B&H Event Space seminar, David Brommer covers the basic concepts of composition as established by the masters of the Renaissance. Commencing with the classic rule of thirds and leaping into theories of color and balance, David touches upon a range of topics, including image construction, positive and negative space, as well as other advanced composition.
Find more B&H Event Space videos here.
Learn more in my digital photography and digital printing workshops.