Why Defocussing Your Images Will Help You See Them Better
It’s easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees.
We’re capable of seeing a lot of detail. Sometimes detail is distracting. Eliminating it can help us see fundamentals more clearly.
1 Frame an image.
2 Defocus your lens enough to lose sight of details.
3 Refine your composition by moving the camera or zooming.
4 Refocus.
5 Expose.
You can also do this with existing exposures to better see distracting elements that can be made less distracting or removed altogether.
Images that contain well-rendered detail without a solid compositional structure often appear cluttered and confusing. Develop the habit of slowing down and taking the time to make sure your compositions are as strong as they can be.
Find more resources on Composition here.
Learn more in my digital photography workshops.