The Art Project – Visit The World's Museums Online


Visitor Guide

Behind the Scenes
The Art Project is a collaboration between Google and some of the world’s most acclaimed art museums. Powered by a broad, connected suite of Google technologies, the world’s great works of art and museums are now within reach to an unprecedented global audience. It’s a unique collaboration with some of the world’s most acclaimed art museums to enable people to discover and view more than a thousand artworks online in extraordinary detail.
Explore Museums With Street View Technology
Virtually move around the museum’s galleries, selecting works of art that interest you, navigate though interactive floor plans and learn more about the museum and you explore.
Artwork View
Discover featured artworks at high resolution and use the custom viewer to zoom into paintings. Expanding the info panel allows you to read more about an artwork, find more works by that artist and watch related YouTube videos.
Create Your Own Collection
The ‘Create an Artwork Collection’ feature allows you to save specific views of any of the 1000+ artworks and build your own personalised collection. Comments can be added to each painting and the whole collection can then be shared with friends and family.
Find out more about Art Project here.
Visit The Art Project’s YouTube Channel here.

Use Pictures to Search the Web

Google’s Goggles is a new app for their Android cell phone. You take a picture and then find out about your subject – place, landmark, book, wine, art, contact info and more. It’s currently only available for Googles Android phone, but similar things are sure to come for every cell phone. Find out more at The New York Times.
Amazon Mobile is an iPhone app that works on similar principles. You take a picture and send it to Amazon. Amazon will find the item (or the nearest item) and tell you about it and you can order it if you want to. Sometimes the results are funny! We had more than a few giggles after dinner one night when we sent in faces from everyone in the party. Not surprisingly my search came back with a book … 100 Beards. But you can use this app in physical stores and do some serious price comparisons online.

Google Map – Antarctica

I know, “The map is not the territory.” Still, I love maps. I love them even more now. Google Maps and Google Earth has changed the nature of maps. You can explore my Antarctica Google Map and follow my course and destinations, enhanced with images and comments. To believe it, you have to experience it! It’s still in process. Watch it evolve!


Looking for something specifc on this website?
Use the new Google Search feature – located in the top right corner of the nav bar.
This doesn’t replace the Search and Categories features for this blog.
It adds Search for the rest of this website.
So, next time you’re looking for information on a specific topic, use the Search feature!
You can add Google search to your website too. Found out more here.