The Art Of Visual Storytelling

To find your voice tell your story.


Plan Your Story


Every Picture Tells A Story
There are countless kinds of stories to tell and ways to tell them.

Make Plans    Free to Members
Increase your productivity and fulfillment by making a plan.

Define a Project    Free to Members
Focus your creative efforts and create an action list to achieve your goals.

Developing Personal Projects
Defining a project is one of the single best ways to develop your body of work.

Keep Your Current Projects Visible
What kinds of visual reminders would be helpful to you?

Perform An Annual Creative Review
At the beginning of every year I review the accomplishments of the past year.

The Benefits Of Performing An Annual Image Review
You’ll learn a great deal about your vision when you perform an annual image review.

The Benefits Of Selecting Your Top Images
Find your current best works and compare them to your past.

7 Benefits Of Returning To Locations
With so many wonderful places, why return to the same location more than once?


Discover & Develop Your Story

Identify the superstars in your work.
10 Benefits Of Building Bodies of Work
Add depth to your images and find more uses for them.
Images That Sizzle & Fizzle Versus Sleepers & Keepers
While some images have an immediate impact, others have staying power.
Outliers – What They Are And How To Make Them Fit
They’re the images that don’t fit neatly into a body of work.
Finding Your Best Work  Free to Members
Find your best work efficiently.
A Dominant Impression    Free to Members
How to find the “Dominant Impression” in your work.
A Train of Thought    Free to Members
Look for the ways you approach making photographs and think visually.

Structure Your Story


3 Great Books On Photographic Contact Sheets

Develop your thoughts faster and more clearly with collections.
Create a guiding structure to help focus and strengthen your work.
Use Storyboards To Improve Your Lightroom Collections | Coming
Create sequences to find what’s missing and new opportunities.
Create sequences to find what’s missing and new opportunities.
How you present your images can be as important as which ones you select.

6 Tools You Can Use To Improve Continuity Between Still Images
How you present your images can be as important as which ones you select.

6 Image Cuts To Avoid At All Costs | Coming
… unless you want to focus on them.
Transitions | Coming Soon
How you get there is just as important as where you arrive.

Expand Your Story


How To Strike Up A Lively Conversation With Your Images
Not sure where to go or what to do? Ask your images!

Discover and develop underlying qualities and themes.

Work on more than one level simultaneously.

Create greater resonance with viewers.

Variation    Free to Members
Find many ideas or turn one idea into many variations.

Combination    Free to Members
Create synergy between existing elements in your images.

Use reversal to open new doors in your creative process.

Break The Rules
Unlock new creative possibilities.


Find Your Next Story


Your Next Story  | Coming


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My Top Images Of 2019

01_20190922_GRNsydkap_593-Edit copy


Constellation XLI


Constellation XXXVII


Constellation XLVII










This is a selection of my top images of 2019.
Check back later – there will be some late entries.
This selection doesn’t reflect sales, publication, or activities on the web. It simply reflects my opinion.


The locations include Antarctica, Scoresbysund Greenland, Iceland, and Namibia.


Continuing the momentum from the previous year’s experiments I combined more images from the Hubble telescope (in the public domain ) with my own exposures, expanding my series Constellation with new images of deep space as well as stars observed with the naked eye.

Fog and glassy smooth waters in Scoresbysund Greenland offered surprise “straight” additions to my series Revelation. There are many other successful exposures waiting to be finished as composites. The images I released in 2019 all have a primal quality, a felt sense of being in the presence of another consciousness.


Ideas about a living earth have been expanded to a living universe.

Where images in my Land In Land series present married views of the same land in both an overview and a detail seen by looking very closely, images in Constellation present married views of lands and the stars that surround them offering a glimpse into deep space and time. What’s beyond the object, behind the surface, and perhaps even within it shows through.

Magic Moments

We had ten straight days of full sunshine in Antarctica. Amazing!

Still waters and thick fog persisted for several days in Greenland’s, Scoresbysund.

Standing out the door on the rail of a helicopter above Icelandic rivers was thrilling.

It was a very productive year; more than 75 new works released; more than 150 new studies made.

It’s challenging to choose so few images from so many – but it’s insightful. Try selecting your own top 12 images. Try selecting the top 12 images of your favorite artist(s).

View more of my Annual Top 12 Selections here.
View more images in my ebooks here.
View my full Works here.
View my Series videos here.
View new images in my newsletter Collectors Alert.

New Photographic Studies Of Maine's Rocky Coast

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Wherever I go I explore the world visually with a camera. Sometimes this is during a walk. Sometimes this is during a workshop. Other times it’s while I’m making a body of work. You might think it distracting to think about one thing while you’re doing another but I find that working on two different ideas at the same time often leads to a fertile cross-pollination. I find new ideas this way.
Of course, you’ve got to stay flexible. Recently, while I was leading a photography workshop in Maine’s Acadia National Park I went looking for the cairns so many visitors leave behind. I don’t like them in public lands, because when I go there I want to be able to experience the land uninterpreted. Still, I appreciate the playful contact people have with the land when they make cairns. So to work on my ambivalence I started making art out of the cairns. But this time, they weren’t there. I was pleasantly surprised and a little disappointed, which also surprised me. So I started to make my own cairns to photograph, intending to scatter them before I left, and never got to it because the first two stones I picked up were all I needed that day. The relationships between them and their environment were much richer than I expected. It felt like arranging still lifes, which I did for hours – and I’m sure I’ll do it again.
These studies relate to my series Alignment.
View my Maine Cairns studies here.
View my studies of Maine Artists here.
View more studies of Maine here.
Find out about my Maine fall photography workshop here.

Land In Land – When Studies Turn Into Finished Works

For years I’ve used my iPhone as a sketchbook to play, make images more spontaneously, and explore ideas. I’ve always been fascinated by how the tools we use change our perception. Yet, knowing it wasn’t the tool that made the difference between a study and a finished work, I’d been challenging myself to create a series of images with my iPhone that had as much depth of content and feeling as the images I’ve made with cameras that make higher quality files. Land In Land is the first series I’ve done this with. Here’s a quick look at how it developed.
I knew I was onto something when I saw this first image in New Zealand.
I got confirmation that the idea could be sustained with this second image.
I found that meaningful variations could be found in other locations like California.
This process of discovery was repeatable in Utah.
This new way of seeing finally became intuitive for me, leading to increased productivity in Spain.
LandInLand_LXXIX LandInLand_LXXXIX
My mother (an artist, a picture editor, a designer) has an exceptional eye. When she asked for a print of this last image and hung it near a prized Tibetan tanka, it was confirmation for me that I’d achieved a real depth that carries through to others.
View the suite of images from Maine here.
View the video here.
Listen to the statement here.

My Top 12 Photographs Of 2018













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Land In Land LXXIX


Land In Land LXXXIX


Land In Land LXXVI


Land In Land LIII


Land In Land LXXVI

This is a selection of my top 12 images of 2018. This selection doesn’t reflect sales, publication, or activities on the web. It simply reflects my opinion. Click on the titles to find out more about each image.


The locations include Antarctica, Spain, Arches National Park, Scoresbysund Greenland, and Maine.


Continuing the momentum from the previous year I completed my first seriesof finished works with my iPhone – Land In Land. Processing images on location, sometimes seconds after making exposures, is a gamechanger. Even more interesting is the sense of seeing the image better at arm’s length, allowing me to see the composition and the subject simultaneously.

I was pleasantly surprised when another experiment worked as I combined images in the public domain from the Hubble telescope with my own exposures, expanding the images in my series Constellation to add images of deep space to those of stars observed with the naked eye.


I continue to explore presenting many moments in time simultaneously to see one aspect of land through another. In more recent work, the detail and the overview are united in a single integrated experience. As ever, what’s behind and beyond shows through.

My use of abstraction has expanded from minimalism to include more complex maximal patterns.

Magic Moment

Perhaps the most sublime moments were found in Greenland’s, Scoresbysund, as the weather shifted to winter conditions creating dramatic katabatic winds and unusual ice conditions found only at the beginning of the season. Being on the only boat (a three-masted schooner built in the early 1900s) in the fiord system heightened the sense of adventure.

It was a very productive year; more than 75 new works released; more than 150 new studies made.

It’s challenging to choose so few images from so many – but it’s insightful. Try selecting your own top 12 images. Try selecting the top 12 images of your favorite artist(s).

View more of my Annual Top 12 Selections here.
View more images in my ebooks here.
View my full Works here.
View my Series videos here.
View new images in my newsletter Collectors Alert.

My Top 12 Images Of 2016


Incubation XV

Antarctica CXCII

Antarctica CXCII

Antarctica CXCIV

Antarctica CXCIV

Antarctica CXCV

Antarctica CXCV

Revelation XXIX

Revelation XXIX

Revelation XXXIX

Revelation XXXIX

Revelation XXIV

Revelation XXIV

Revelation XXXVI

Revelation XXXVI

Revelation XXVI

Revelation XXVI

Revelation XXVIII

Revelation XXVIII

Revelation XXXVII

Revelation XXXVII

Revelation XXXVIII

Revelation XXXVIII

This is a selection of my top 12 images of 2016. This selection doesn’t reflect sales, publication, or activities on the web. It simply reflects my opinion. Click on the titles to find out more about each image.


While I visited most of the biomes in one year (all seven continents in 18 months), the images I released were drawn primarily from the artic and antarctic regions.


Straight images from Antarctica were processed on location, mostly in Lightroom. Composite images were created in studio, mostly in Photoshop after launching from Lightroom. I date “straight” shots based on the date they were exposed and composites on the date they are completed.


I focussed on a long-standing theme, creating symmetries drawn from the land to better reveal the spirit within. The final resolution has prompted me to remaster many related files made in 1996. I released multiple related series of studies, including a series of digitally rendered inkblots.

Magnificent Moment

There was big magic in 2016! In Antarctica there were moments of extreme quietude amid the lifting fogs at Black Head and the glassy reflections in Antarctica’s Plenneau Bay. We experienced the epically varied lands of New Zealand; in one day we moved from a waterfall strewn fiord, through a rainforest, up to a high arid plateau, and finally to the base of a glacier. Sublime light filled hours and hours, as we flew helicopters over Namibia’s Sossusvlei dune fields, which roll out to the Skeleton Coast. All of these adventures were long-held dreams come true.

It’s challenging to choose so few images from so many – but it’s insightful. Try selecting your own top 12 images. Try selecting the top 12 images of your favorite artist(s).

View more of my Annual Top 12 Selections here.

View more images in my ebooks here.

View my full Works here.

View my Series videos here.

View new images in my newsletter Collectors Alert.