12 New Images From Greenland's Sublime Scoresbysund

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During our 2018 DPD Greenland Workshop I made many exposures for several series but focussed on finishing images for one series in particular – Constellation.

My series Constellation marries the heavens and earth by showing the lands and the stars that lie behind, around, and within us. Carl Sagan reminds us “We’re all star stuff.”

When we gaze at the heavens we see where we came from and what we were, where we are going and what we will be. When we gaze at the land we see where and what we are now. Contemplating both we embrace an expanded view of our place in the universe and ourselves.

To find our way we must first find us. These images encourage us to consider a longer wider view.

View selected images from previous voyages to Greenland here.
View more images from my series Constellation here.
Find out about my Greenland Photography Workshops here.
Find out about my Antarctica Photography Workshops here.

Look Up For A Change – Lucianne Walkowicz

“TED Fellow Lucianne Walkowicz asks: How often do you see the true beauty of the night sky? At TEDxPhoenix, she shows how light pollution is ruining the extraordinary — and often ignored — experience of seeing directly into space.
Lucianne Walkowicz works on NASA’s Kepler mission, studying starspots and “the tempestuous tantrums of stellar flares.”
Read 13 Essential Tips For Night & Low Light Photography here.
Learn more about night photography in my digital photography workshops.