Exhibit – Two Generations / Father & Son
Exhibit – Two Generations / Father & Son
Opening Reception: March 28, 2013, 5–6:30 pm
March 20 – April 10, 2013
Manchester, NH
New Hampshire Institute Of Art
French Building Gallery
“The works of father and son Paul Caponigro and John Paul Caponigro are featured in the photographic exhibit “Two Generations.” Over twenty images by each artist highlight the two careers of this family of artists. The juxtaposition of traditional darkroom images and the more contemporary digital photographs may seem startling at first. Both artists utilize a different medium and a different vision. Paul is a traditional straight shooter and John is a process artist. After careful inspection what is more apparent are the similarities, the vestiges of the fact that this is the work of father and son. It is apparent each artist’s work influences the other and many of their key interests are the same. Both artists share a deep reverence for nature, a love of stone, a fascination with the subtle palettes of the natural environment, and a strong dedication to their craft.”
Find out more here.