John Loiacono Discusses the Future of Photoshop

Known for his engaging personality, “Johnny L” (senior vice president of Adobe’s Creative Solutions Business Unit) discusses his thoughts on the future of imaging and how Photoshop plays a part of that. He gets it. He really gets it. And he’s got an inside track on future imaging technology. Among the many key ideas he addresses is what I consider to be an extremely important issue, enriching the experience of engaging high density information (beginning of video 2). Check out these videos for a glimpse into the future and one of the minds helping guide us there.
And check back here tomorrow for news on an important announcement from Adobe tomorrow.
Are you ready for something brilliant?

Photoshop World Highlight – The People

Sure, the training is excellent! But, the best thing about Photoshop World is the people. These people are not only talented, intelligent, and passionate but they’re also one of the nicest groups of people to work with anywhere. You get this feeling everyone here: with the instructors, the staff, and the attendees. The folks at NAPP are an exceptional organization, not just professional, but personal. I told Scott Kelby how impressed I was with this when he welcomed me to my first Photoshop World. His response said it all, “They’re not customers; they’re members.” The sense of community is very strong here.
Find out who all these people are here.
Find out what you missed here.
Watch for upcoming announcement for Photoshop World Boston in spring 2009.
If you attended any of the sessions, let us know what you thought! Comment!
Check out cobloggers coverage of PSW at the links below.
Corey Barker
John Paul Caponigro
RC Concepcion
Dave Cross
Laurie Excell
Martin Evening
Scott Kelby
Matt Koslowski
Deke McClelland
Joe McNally
John Nack
Moose Peterson
Jeff Schewe
Colin Smith
Ben Willmore
David Ziser

Photoshop World Highlight – PSW Keynote

Adobe announced today  that CS Next is coming soon.
What’s Next? John Loiacono highlighted three key concepts that characterize the new release. Timesavers (real speed increases), Integration (transparently with Macromedia products), and Cutting Edge (daring new features).
Sign up for advance notice on upcoming announcements 9-23-08 here.
For me one of the most interesting things at Photoshop World is the keynote address. Adobe always unveils new technology / features that are either soon to be released or might be slated for future release at a later date. You get futurecasting about new possibilities in photography based on what’s actually in development now. It’s these presentations that make me feel like I’m truly in the 21st century.
John Loiacono and John Nack did a great job this morning. Their presentations were so smooth it was almost easy to overlook that what they were showing you were radical new ways of making photographic images. A tsunami seemed like a gentle wave. This may have helped many of us overcome a feeling akin to vertigo as we watched our photographic world change before your eyes.
1    Adobe’s free online service PhotoshopExpress soon to be compatible with mobile devices – store, share, adjust your images online – free … think Facebook meets PS
2    Configurator – a soon to be release utility that lets you customize and share your PS interface
3    ultrahigh resolution (multi-gigabyte) stitches with zooming capabilities – zoom into any part of an image and reveal amazing detail you couldn’t see with the naked eye
4    context sensitive scaling – scale an image without distorting key image areas
5    360 degree stitched panoramas that can be easily retouched or even rendered as a globe
6    paint directly on 3D renderings
7    super-fast preview and rendering of filters
Congratulations to today’s Photoshop Hall of Fame Inductees – John Nack and Martin Evening!
If you were there, tell us about it. Comment!
Check out cobloggers coverage of PSW at the links below.
Corey Barker
John Paul Caponigro
RC Concepcion
Dave Cross
Laurie Excell
Martin Evening
Scott Kelby
Matt Koslowski
Deke McClelland
Joe McNally
John Nack
Moose Peterson
Jeff Schewe
Colin Smith
Ben Willmore
David Ziser

Adobe's New Innovation in Raw Technology – Camera Profiles

This new Raw technology gives photographers access to flexible camera profiles. Camera profiles provide a visual starting point for a raw processing workflow. Adobe is supplying default camera profiles that closely emulate the look that photographers are used to seeing from their favorite camera, while also providing the ability to customize profiles to an individual’s taste. Camera profiles  for use with Lightroom 2 and Camera Raw 4.5, are available for immediate download on Adobe Labs.

Photoshop World 2008 – $100 Discount Until 8/1

Photoshop World is coming to he Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV, September 4-6, 2008.
Held annually on the east and west coasts, Photoshop World is the official convention of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals. NAPP is the largest digital imaging and design association worldwide with more than 70,000 members in 105 countries. It’s the leading resource for Adobe Photoshop training, education and news. Now in its 10th year, Photoshop World is the largest Photoshop educational event in the world. There’s something for every type and skill level of Photoshop user. If you want to get up to speed on the latest developments in a short time, there’s no better place to do it. Dont’ miss the opening keynote session – there are always special announcements and previews of exciting upcoming developments.
The cost of this amazing event is $599 for members and $699 for nonmembers. (I highly recommend you become a member, even if you aren’t able to attend PhotoshopWorld.) You can get a $100 discount by registering before August 1.
It’s three days of world-class training by the best in the creative industry lead by Scott Kelby, NAPP president and the world’s bestselling computer and technology book author. This year’s conference offers the biggest and most comprehensive conference schedule. Attendees will choose from 100 classes taught by 40 of the best and most creative industry experts and instructors, including Jack Davis, Julieanne Kost, Jay Maisel, Joe McNally, Dan Margulis, Vincent Versace, Jeff Schewe, Ben Wilmore and many, many more.
I’ll be presenting in four sessions – the pre-con Epson Print Academy (Wednesday pm), The Fine Art of Digital (Friday pm), The Power of Color (Saturday am) and Drawing With Light(Saturday am).
You can see video highlights here.
You can see the complete list of instructors and their sessions here.
Find out more about all of my seminars here.