Green Action – Harvest Rainwater for Personal Use

It’s summer in the northern hemisphere and along with the scorching heat we have the occasional torrential rain.  The collection and reuse of rainwater by harvesting systems help provide independent water supplies during regional water restrictions. These systems also circumvent the rainwater washing environmentally harmful lawn pesticides into storm drain, sewers and waterways.  When rainwater is harvested we reduce the overall flow of these pollutants into public waterways.
In many regions of our country, cities, counties and even certain states have begun to encouraging rainwater collection to supplement local supply.  Many countries worldwide have made rainwater harvesting mandatory.  In India, rainwater harvesting to avoid ground water depletion, has been made a requirement for every building.  In the United Kingdom a new building code has been established to encourage the use of rainwater collection for everything from flushing toilets to watering their gardens.
Learn more about Rainwater Harvesting here.
Learn how to collect rainwater here.