Every Picture Tells A Story … But How Does It Tell It?

Visual stories can be simple or complex, quiet or dramatic, short or long ... the possibilities are endless.

Even in abstract images things happen, at the very least formal elements interact.

Sometimes stories are told with images through their relationships with other images.

Every picture tells a story. Every picture? Every picture!

Even abstract images tell stories. The stories they tell are not about their subjects. By definition, they don’t have subjects. Or do they? They have themselves. So they tell stories about themselves. They tell stories about the things that make them – color, line, texture, shape, proportion, etc. How all of those things relate is a drama of form.

How many kinds of stories are there? There are scientific stories that tell us what things are and how they work. There are historical stories that tell us how things were, how they changed, and what they’ve become today – some even speculate about how things will be tomorrow. There are emotional stories that tell us how people respond emotionally to things. There may be more kinds of stories, but these are the big ones. When it comes to images, the stories they tell are usually only about a few kinds of things. The images themselves. The things images contain. The processes things go through. The feelings people have in response to things and processes. The concepts created through interpretation. Things: Nouns. Processes: Verbs. Feelings: Adjectives and Adverbs. Concepts: Abstract Ideas.

So if every picture tells a story, one way to determine the strength of an image is to ask, “How strong is the story?” Put another way, one way to improve your images is to tell stronger stories. A story doesn’t have to be big or dramatic to be strong; it just has to be told well. Tell stories strongly. Tell them with stronger form; tell them by more clearly delineating actions; tell them by disclosing emotional responses more passionately; tell them by inspiring us to find the bigger picture beyond each picture or group of pictures.

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The Art Of Visual Storytelling

To find your voice tell your story.


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Every Picture Tells A Story
There are countless kinds of stories to tell and ways to tell them.

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Perform An Annual Creative Review
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The Benefits Of Performing An Annual Image Review
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The Benefits Of Selecting Your Top Images
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With so many wonderful places, why return to the same location more than once?


Discover & Develop Your Story

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10 Benefits Of Building Bodies of Work
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Images That Sizzle & Fizzle Versus Sleepers & Keepers
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Outliers – What They Are And How To Make Them Fit
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A Train of Thought    Free to Members
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Structure Your Story


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Develop your thoughts faster and more clearly with collections.
Create a guiding structure to help focus and strengthen your work.
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Create sequences to find what’s missing and new opportunities.
Create sequences to find what’s missing and new opportunities.
How you present your images can be as important as which ones you select.

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… unless you want to focus on them.
Transitions | Coming Soon
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Expand Your Story


How To Strike Up A Lively Conversation With Your Images
Not sure where to go or what to do? Ask your images!

Discover and develop underlying qualities and themes.

Work on more than one level simultaneously.

Create greater resonance with viewers.

Variation    Free to Members
Find many ideas or turn one idea into many variations.

Combination    Free to Members
Create synergy between existing elements in your images.

Use reversal to open new doors in your creative process.

Break The Rules
Unlock new creative possibilities.


Find Your Next Story


Your Next Story  | Coming


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Every picture tells a story. Every picture? Every picture!
Even abstract images tell stories. The stories they tell are not about their subjects. By definition they don’t have subjects. Or do they? They have themselves. So they tell stories about themselves. They tell stories about the things that make them –  color, line, texture, shape, proportion, etc. How all of those things relate is a drama of form.
How many kinds of stories are there? There are scientific stories that tell us what things are and how they work. There are historical stories that tell us how things were, how they changed, and what they’ve become today – some even speculate about how things will be tomorrow. There are emotional stories that tell us how people respond emotionally to things. There may be more kinds of stories, but these are the big ones. When it comes to images, the stories they tell are usually only about a few kinds of things. The images themselves. The things images contain. The processes things go through. The feelings people have in response to things and processes. The concepts created through interpretation. Things – Nouns. Processes – Verbs. Feelings – Adjectives and Adverbs. Concepts – Abstract Ideas.
So if every picture tells a story, one way to determine the strength of an image is to ask, “How strong is the story?” Put another way, one way to improve your images is to tell stronger stories. A story doesn’t have to be big or dramatic to be strong; it just has to be told well. Tell stories strongly. Tell them with stronger form; tell them by more clearly delineating actions; tell them by disclosing emotional responses more passionately; tell them by inspiring us to find the bigger picture beyond each picture or group of pictures …
Read the rest in the current issue of AfterCapture magazine.
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