One of the keys to using a tripod is making it easy to use. This tripod is light and sturdy. That means I carry it with me – even on long walks. I lash it to my backpack or if I’m walking without my backpack I use a camera strap to sling it over my shoulder. It’s all well and good to say “I will use my tripod more!” But it’s like a diet or an exercise routine. You have to make it easy and fun to actually stick with it for the long haul. Get a tripod you like, not what you should like. And use it!
As an aside, many people use tripods to slow down and make more considered images. Try making pictures exclusively without a tripod. Then try making pictures exclusively with a tripod. Compare your experiences. It’s not better or worse, it’s different. Note the differences and what they helped you accomplish and how they affected the way you related to your equipment and subject. Then, next time, choose whether to use a tripod or not to get specific results. It’s a simple thing really. But it makes a big difference!
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