
Fine Art Digital Printing


Master The Craft




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(no lab fee)


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.Get more out of your images.

Explore media choices hands-on.

Demystify color management.

Take your Lightroom & Photoshop skills to the next level.

Make prints of your images with a master.


Two Teachers

John Paul Caponigro and Arduina Caponigro
Experience the benefits that thousands of alumni have enjoyed for over 25 years.

Unlike most workshops, this event is in our working studio and gallery.
Class sizes are small; instruction and feedback is personal.


Get accurate color consistently.
Take your Photoshop skills to the next level.
Make the most of your images.
See new possibilities.
Produce exhibition quality prints.
Color Management In-Depth
Proofing Efficiently
Test & Compare a Variety of Papers
Fluidly Move Between Lightroom and Photoshop
Fine Art Workflow
Creative RAW Processing
Smart Objects
Go To Color Adjustment Tools
Black & White Conversions
Deep Dive Into Selections and Masks
Demystify Resolution and Resampling
Industrial Strength Noise Reduction
Complete Sharpening Workflow – Input, Creative, Output
Print Finishing, Handling and Storage
Professional Exhibition Practices
The Business of Fine Art
Get Feedback On Your Work
Reviews take place informally throughout the week as you work on your images and during breaks.
This Workshop Is Right For You If

You’re comfortable in Lightroom, know something about Photoshop, and you want to take your skills to the next level.
Also see Black & White Mastery, which covers the same material but with more emphasis on black-and-white imagery.

Become A Part Of Our Community

.When you take a workshop you become a part of a community.
You discover how much you have to learn from others – and how important that is.
You also discover how much you have to give to others – and how good that feels.
You’ll want to stay in touch with your fellow participants.


Find Out What People Are Saying About John Paul Caponigro’s Workshops


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View Original Masterworks

One of the best ways to learn how to make better prints is to look at great prints.
During my workshops, you’ll see original masterworks from the history of photography.
Ansel Adams, Wynn Bullock, Paul Caponigro, Linda Connor, Kurt Markus, Arnold Newman, Olivia Parker, Chris Rainier, Joyce Tenneson, George Tice, Jerry Uelsmann, Brett Weston, Minor White, Huntington Witherill, and many more.

Enjoy Maine!